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“12,820 non-followers reached in the 1st month.”

Cornerstone Church


Prescott, Arizona

Church Age

35 Years Old

Weekend Attendance


 “It's not building my ego or follower account - it's really building the church and the church's reach.”

The Challenge

Cornerstone Church was inconsistent with their social media efforts - especially video. They didn’t have an existing person on the team with the skills needed. And their lead pastor, Scott Savage, found it difficult to allocate time for it.

How Posts Have Performed

Within a month of partnering with SocialSermons, Cornerstone had their first post reach thousands of new people.

The SocialSermons team pulled a segment from Pastor Scott’s sermon where he was talking about relationships. This struck a chord with people - even those without a Christian background.

Of the 12,893 accounts this post reached, 12,820 were non-followers of Cornerstone. Helping the church reach thousands of new people.

Social Sermons - Brady Shearer - Church Social Media Strategy - Social Plan - Pro Church Tools

Online Growth

According to Pastor Scott, “The last 2-3 months, we've seen surprising growth on YouTube Shorts.” 

This is largely due to Cornerstone’s consistent publishing schedule. Every church affecting life change online is different, but they all have one thing in common - they consistently make great content for their community.

This is why we emphasize #NoWeeksOff at SocialSermons. Because it’s easy to generate short-term traction on social. We see it all the time. Churches commit for a little while, but aren’t able to maintain it. That’s why SocialSermons exists. Let us take care of it. You never have to lift a finger.

And what can Cornerstone can expect on their current trajectory? Within 5 years of consistent effort they’ll be closing on 10,000 subscribers on YouTube alone.

What About In-Person?

Analytics can look nice on a screen. But what do they actually mean? Simply put, every number represents a real person. Here’s how Pastor Scott details it:

“My wife came home from the chiropractor a few weeks ago saying the doctor recognized her last name and asked if I was a pastor. “He’s all over my Instagram right now,” the chiropractor said. So that’s a tangible example of someone hearing The Good News online. A person who doesn’t attend our church or follow us online. But lives in our local area.”

At SocialSermons we call an event like this The Crossover. Where your online efforts crossover to in-person. Social media algorithms now have a local, geographic component to them. This means your content is more likely to be seen by people close to your church than on the other side of the country. Which is great news for churches!