The average church using SocialSermons for 12+ months sees engagement increase 32X, impressions soar 37X, awareness surge 58X, followers grow 48% faster
The average church using SocialSermons for 12+ months sees
*Average performance for a church that partners with us at SocialSermons in their first 12 months relative to the previous 12-month period.

Socialsermons is the complete, custom social media service for your church
It doesn’t matter if your church has 10 followers or 10,000, our tailored approach has been refined over a decade of helping churches with social media.
We’re confident it will work for you. Here’s a bit of our secret sauce:
We’re the personal, full-service social media team your church deserves.

Case Studies
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x Text Thread
- 1x Carousel Post
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x YouTube Video
- 1x Text Thread
- 1x Carousel Post
- 1x Long-Form Blog Post
(~750-2,000 words)
1x End-Of-Year Print-Ready Book
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 2x Portraits
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x YouTube Video
- 1x Carousel Post
- 1x Long-Form Blog Post
(~750-2,000 words)
1x End-Of-Year Print-Ready Book
- Also includes:
- DM Automation For Instagram
- 3x In-Person Photoshoots Per Year
- 4x Quarterly PDF Reports
- First Access To New Designs + Trending Styles
Multi Campus? Does your church have a podcast? Need a custom plan?
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x Text Thread
- 1x Carousel Post
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x YouTube Video
- 1x Text Thread
- 1x Carousel Post
- 1x Long-Form Blog Post
(~750-2,000 words)
1x End-Of-Year Print-Ready Book
- Every week you’ll receive:
- 2x Sermon Clips
- 2x Portraits
- 1x Quote Post
- 1x YouTube Video
- 1x Carousel Post
- 1x Long-Form Blog Post
(~750-2,000 words)
1x End-Of-Year Print-Ready Book
- Also includes:
- DM Automation For Instagram
- 3x In-Person Photoshoots Per Year
- 4x Quarterly PDF Reports
- First Access To New Designs + Trending Styles
Multi Campus? Does your church have a podcast? Need a custom plan?
Letter from Brady
Well hey there —
I’m Brady, creator and director of SocialSermons.
Every week I speak directly to churches on calls and hear the same story:
“We value social media. But we’re already spread too thin.”
The result?
- These churches don’t post as often as they should
- Their social accounts are all over the place
- Deep down they know social will never get the attention it needs with how busy they are
If this sounds familiar at all, you’re in good company.
So let us do it for you.
You don’t have to lift a finger.
You won’t have to manage a team or spend countless hours trying to keep up with the latest social media changes.
Every person on the SocialSermons team loves Jesus and all we do is make social media content for churches.
That’s what we do best. Let us give you back the time to do what you do best.
Have questions?
Sermon Clips
Your editor watches through your church’s sermon in its entirety each week to identify segments that would work well for social media.
Hooks are written for each sermon clip and injected into the first few seconds of the video to stop the scroll and contextualize the message for those seeing it for the first time on social media.
Custom covers are created to keep your profile grid looking tidy.
Youtube Videos
Your editor will time stamp a 6-20 minute segment within your sermon (the average length of a first page YouTube video is 14 minutes, 50 seconds).
A search-optimized title is composed.
(YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world)

An eye-grabbing thumbnail is designed with your church’s branding.

Every week your editor will identify a segment of your pastor’s sermon to develop into a carousel post for Instagram.
In our experience, the best performing carousels begin with a big, bold headline.

Portrait Posts
Portraits are social media posts that highlight your weekend services through vibrant imagery.
When the saints scatter throughout the week, Portraits are a reminder that Sunday is coming.

In-person Photoshoots
Every 120 days we send a professional photographer to your church.

Your photographer completes an in-person photo shoot capturing the life of your church.

Using these photos we develop your church’s custom social media content.

Plus, you get to keep all of your edited photos to use in any other church application you’d like!

Print-ready Books
After a year of working together, you’ll have a catalog of 52 long-form blog posts capturing the journey your church has been on in the previous 12 months.
Every year we compile those essays into a custom-designed, stunning, print-ready book.

This is a coffee table-style book with a beautiful cover and layout of pages.
Quote Posts
Your church’s quotes are pulled directly from your pastor’s message in our weekly review.
Quotes are then developed into elegant designs.

The best performing quotes on social media are short and snappy.
Blog Posts
During our weekly review, we’ll mark off a portion of your sermon to develop into a long-form blog post.
Optimized for search engines, your weekly blog post is ready to be published on your church’s website to bolster your SEO presence.

Formatted with headings, relevant hyperlinks, appropriate line breaks, bold, italics, etc.

Text Threads
Carousel posts are currently only viable on Instagram. To remedy this, we extract the copy from your carousel each week to create a long-form text post for Facebook, X, and Threads.
This text thread is delivered ready to publish with a single accompanying image (the same cover image from your weekly carousel).

DM Automation
DM Automation is the best way to meaningfully connect with people on social media at deeper, more permanent levels.
For example, at the end of a sermon clip, invite people to comment a keyword that automatically delivers the full sermon to their DM inbox in an instant.

DM Automation is supported on Instagram and Facebook and requires a third-party subscription.
“It skyrocketed. 77,900+ shares.”
Transformation Church
“This is what drove me to finally come in-person — the fact that I was able to follow online for so long.”
The Challenge
The last thing Transformation Church wanted was their social media accounts to look like bulletin boards. Instead, their objective was simple. Their Executive Pastor, Justin Oswald, said it like this: “How can we grow our people even if they don't walk through our door? Or even if they're not our people? How can we help them grow as a Christian?”
How Posts Have Performed
Within a few months of partnering with SocialSermons, Transformation Church had their first viral post:
- 11M+ Views
- 77K+ Shares
- 24K+ Comments
- 24K+ Comments

What made this post so special? The subject matter was parenting. The Bible shares wisdom on parenting. But it’s also a desperate need in culture. And this is the stuff we watch for at SocialSermons as we review your message each week - where are the intersections between faith and culture? That’s the sweet spot.
Online Growth
An amazing byproduct of Transformation’s viral post is that it set a new baseline for their church on social with engagement and reach.
Their Facebook page grew 407%. Meaning, every future post was reaching a much wider audience than ever before.

What About In-Person?
Transformation’s Creative Director, John Sapp, shares this story:
“There was a lady that just recently started going to our church. When I met her she said to me, “I've been watching online and engaging with your social accounts. And this is what drove me to finally come in-person - the fact that I was able to follow online for so long.””
“12,820 non-followers reached in the 1st month.”
Cornerstone Church
“It's not building my ego or follower account —
it's really building the church and the church's reach.”
The Challenge
Cornerstone Church was inconsistent with their social media efforts - especially video. They didn’t have an existing person on the team with the skills needed. And their lead pastor, Scott Savage, found it difficult to allocate time for it.
How Posts Have Performed
Within a month of partnering with SocialSermons, Cornerstone had their first post reach thousands of new people.
The SocialSermons team pulled a segment from Pastor Scott’s sermon where he was talking about relationships. This struck a chord with people — even those without a Christian background.

Of the 12,893 accounts this post reached, 12,820 were non-followers of Cornerstone. Helping the church reach thousands of new people.
Online Growth
According to Pastor Scott, “The last 2-3 months, we've seen surprising growth on YouTube Shorts.”
This is largely due to Cornerstone’s consistent publishing schedule. Every church affecting life change online is different, but they all have one thing in common - they consistently make great content for their community.
This is why we emphasize #NoWeeksOff at SocialSermons. Because it’s easy to generate short-term traction on social. We see it all the time. Churches commit for a little while, but aren’t able to maintain it. That’s why SocialSermons exists. Let us take care of it. You never have to lift a finger.

And what can Cornerstone can expect on their current trajectory? Within 5 years of consistent effort they’ll be closing on 10,000 subscribers on YouTube alone.
What About In-Person?
Analytics can look nice on a screen. But what do they actually mean? Simply put, every number represents a real person. Here’s how Pastor Scott details it:
“My wife came home from the chiropractor a few weeks ago saying the doctor recognized her last name and asked if I was a pastor. “He’s all over my Instagram right now,” the chiropractor said. So that’s a tangible example of someone hearing The Good News online. A person who doesn’t attend our church or follow us online. But lives in our local area.”
At SocialSermons we call an event like this The Crossover. Where your online efforts crossover to in-person. Social media algorithms now have a local, geographic component to them. This means your content is more likely to be seen by people close to your church than on the other side of the country. Which is great news for churches!
“You showed up on my TikTok feed. My wife and I are looking for a church and we're gonna be checking yours out.”
Gateway Church
“A 500% increase in reach on Facebook in less than 28 days.”
The Challenge
Gateway Church had a desire to reach their community. Their Lead Pastor, John Bowling, explained their problem, “Despite being in the region for 40+ years, many people still don’t know we’re here.”
How Posts Have Performed
In the first month of partnering with SocialSermons, Gateway began reaching into their community far beyond what they were used to.
A 500% increase in reach on Facebook in less than 28 days. Engagement was up 40%. And new followers had increased 60%. All in less than a month.

Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok all showed similar boosts in activity. Across all four platforms, thousands of people were getting connected to Gateway Church that never had before.
What About In-Person?
Pastor John says he saw his church’s new efforts online quickly crossover to in-person encounters:
“I was at work last week. I’m a bi-vocational pastor. And someone that I work with about once a month came up to me and they said, “Are you a minister? You showed up on my TikTok feed.”
Then it happened again:
“I was picking up a grocery order at the supermarket. And a guy comes up to me and says the same thing, “Are you a pastor?” And when I said yes, he responded, “You showed up on my TikTok feed. My wife and I are looking for a church and we're gonna be checking yours out.”
These kinds of crossover events are our favorite stories to hear at SocialSermons. Online ministry making a powerful impact in local churches.
As Pastor John describes it: “People are seeing us. Knowing that our church is here. And we're getting The Gospel in front of people that we otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.”